<aside> <img src="https://img.icons8.com/ios/250/000000/info.png" alt="https://img.icons8.com/ios/250/000000/info.png" width="40px" /> How you can grow your newsletter, and places you can distribute your content.


Growth Basics

  1. Check out how many subscribers you have now. Find the closest number that you haven't hit yet. Set that as a goal and aim to hit that within a certain time frame.
  2. Include your goal(s) in the Objectives section of the NewsletterOS and reflect how you're going to get there. Fill up some Key Results
  3. Join a community of newsletter writers. You'll be able to exchange tips with others, and get help to grow. Trust me, the journey is more fun when it's shared.
  4. Create a mastermind group of other newsletter creators (~5-8 people) and hold each other accountable. It's like point 3, but more effective, plus you form real friendships!

<aside> 🔑 "The key — if you want to build habits that last — is to join a group where the desired behavior is the normal behavior." — James Clear


My friends from my newsletter mastermind group are one of the best things I've gained in this journey. You can either set up a weekly meeting or check-in asynchronously.

  1. Write good content consistently. Quality writing & curation gets shared. Make your stuff so good that people want to share about it with their friends, colleagues and even their grandmas.

  2. Create a landing page for your newsletter. A dedicated landing page (no, I'm not talking about one-liner Substack pages) allows you to share more about what your newsletter is about, showcase social proof and convert better. I recommend Carrd or Dorik.

Distribution Ideas