<aside> <img src="https://img.icons8.com/ios/250/000000/info.png" alt="https://img.icons8.com/ios/250/000000/info.png" width="40px" /> Create a sponsorship page that you can share with potential sponsors and/or advertisers. It's always more professional & efficient to have all your information in one place that you can point interested parties to.

Where can you host your sponsorship / ads page? You can build it on a public notion page, a Google sheet, build a Sponsors Page on your website or even create a PDF document.

What can people use ads for?


About (Newsletter Name)

(Newsletter name) is distributed to (######) subscribers every (frequency). Every issue contains (describe your content e.g. commentary on topic, quality curated links, etc.)

For an example of the kind of content in (newsletter name), see the latest issue or check out the archives.


Share an overview of your newsletter audience & statistics. It will help potential advertisers and sponsors determine if your audience is a good fit for them. Illustrating with an example.

Pricing & Availability

Share details on the prices of your ads and the next slot(s) available (if possible)

Types Of Ads

Insert description of the ads that you accept & formatting guidelines

Sample Ad

Insert a picture of how an ad sample might look like.