<aside> <img src="https://img.icons8.com/ios/250/000000/info.png" alt="https://img.icons8.com/ios/250/000000/info.png" width="40px" /> Use the revenue tracker to track how much you've earned from your newsletter.

I've added different views:

You can also filter by earning type.

All revenue here is fictional.


Revenue Tracker

Monetization Ideas


Beehiiv created a useful guide on how to monetize newsletters

20 Ways to Monetize Your Newsletter in 2024

Marie Dolle spells out how newsletter creators can monetize their newsletters in this wonderful article. It's the most comprehensive guide I've found online.

Monetizing newsletters: when creators strive with ideas

There are many ways to monetize a newsletter and it all comes down to what your strategy is, and what your North Star identified earlier on guides you towards.

Experiment and figure out what works for you. However, make sure you don't monetize at the cost of compromising your core values, and/or credibility.

It's perfectly ok to not monetize if you don't want to.

Monetization Summary

Selling to Consumers

Selling To Businesses

Monetization Resources


Further Resources

Newsletter Business Model (Valuation)

Newsletter biz model [MAKE A COPY]

Detailed newsletter business model created by @Leonlinsx from Avoid Boring People. For those who like to go deep into numbers and are thinking of creating a paid newsletter.

Email Boilerplates

Email Boilerplates